Disability Audits

What is an Access Check

Diversity Australia is an industry-leading audit and assessment application that is cloud-based and can be run on Windows or Mac computers but can also be run on Android and ios tablets for onsite access audits. This has been developed specifically for Disability Access compliance and includes modules that can be used on all parts of the built environment.

Commercial, retail, healthcare, aged care, hospitality, entertainment and industrial projects
Residential developments including mixed-use developments.
Specialist Disability Accommodation assessments
Changing Places
Livable Housing Australia assessments
External built environments
Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport

Our Disability Access Audit service provides an examination of a building and its facilities or the external built environment against a pre-determined criterion to assess the ease of use by people with a disability. Guidelines are from the suite Australian Standards AS1428, Building Control Act and the Disability Discrimination Act.

What Is Covered in an Access Audit?

All audits undertaken by Diversity Australia pay great attention to ‘Reasonable Adjustment’. Only an Access Auditor can decide what is reasonable or unreasonable for you to be expected to undertake.

Diversity Australia believes that this audit approach will save you money in the long run by recommending what is reasonably expected of you to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

The reasons for carrying out an Access Audit

The reasons for carrying out an Disability Accessibility Audit are to help meet the legislative requirements of the DDA 1992 and improve disability access and egress and in turn increase your custom and turnover, as well as help, protect you from claims of disability discrimination. It is necessary to carry out an Audit to establish what action is needed.

What does a written DDA Access Audit report will then be produced?

This access report will detail ways in which non-compliance exists and recommend a course of action. Photographs within your report will identify areas on non-compliance. Priorities will be given to work recommended. Some items (Especially Occupational Health & Safety issues) may need to be carried out immediately whereas other items could be added to the regular maintenance program of your building. Some larger items may need to be included in a feasibility study undertaken by your organisation.

Diversity Australia Customer Service

Diversity Australia is proud of its level of customer service. We offer telephone assistance to assist you while work is being planned and undertaken. We have a very high level of understanding of many disabilities. Hearing, vision and other sensory impairments along with learning difficulties, ambulant disabilities and physical disabilities must all be considered on equal terms.

Identified Issues

All identified issues are prioritised as follows;

  • Safety risk: The issue presents a risk of injury by a building user
  • Complaint risk: The issue presents a risk of a complaint by a building user
  • Best practice: The issue should be considered for rectification to improve accessibility on the basis of a best practice improvement.

The list below outlines areas which are likely to be audited during our surveys:

External Environments and Approach – this may include access from site boundaries, vehicle set down, parking facilities, pedestrian routes, public spaces and pathways. Features are likely to include wayfinding, surfaces, ramps, steps, handrails, external lifts, lighting, general safety.

Doors – vision panels/glazing manifestation, entrance matting, lobby sizes, entry control/security systems, automatic/manual operating systems, safety controls, thresholds, clear widths, closer strengths and door furniture.

Horizontal Circulation – corridor widths, circulation areas, obstructions, clearance widths , TGSI’s and hazards.

Vertical Circulation – platform lifts, stair lifts, passenger lifts, control locations, stairs, step nosings, ramps, handrail profiles and pitch heights.

Facilities – reception desks, information, communications, seating, refreshment and vending areas, sports and leisure facilities, classrooms, interactive displays, showcases.

Sanitary Facilities – accessible and general WC’s, sizes, location, fittings, dispensers, doors, alerting systems, shower rooms and wash facilities.

Means of Escape – refuge spaces, accessible escape routes, evacuation arrangements, alarm call points, visual, acoustic and tactile alerting systems.

Lighting – glare control, switch positions and assistive aids.

Acoustics – general quality, reverberation, assistive equipment.

Finishes – walls, ceilings, decor, light reflectance, contrast, absorbency, floor finishes, slip resistance, visual/tactile properties.

Fixtures – display of notices, clarity and simplicity of information to meet the widest possible range of diverse user needs, collections and exhibits.

Wayfinding – signage, pathways, tactile ground surface indicators, tactile/audio maps.

Information/communication – telephones, videophones, inductive couplers, textphones, sound enhancement systems, induction loops, infrared, radio, TV/video, PA systems.


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